Pathways to Teaching
Newark Board of Education gives prospective teachers many paths into the classroom.
To apply for a teaching position with Newark Board of Education, you must be eligible for a license to teach in the state of New Jersey. Whether you already have a New Jersey standard teaching certificate or a teaching certificate from another state, went through a traditional teacher preparation program, or just have experience in the subject you want to teach, the state of New Jersey has a certification option for you.

“The district does a great job supporting teachers. It’s a collaborative effort to bring growth to our students. Not only sharing within our own school, but district wide.”
Terrence Daniel, 5th Grade Math Teacher
For those without a New Jersey standard teaching certificate, there are a few ways to take the first step toward becoming eligible for teaching positions with the Newark Board of Education.
I’m certified to teach in another State
Newark Board of Education welcomes out-of-state applicants with an equivalent teaching certificate, but requires them to apply for a New Jersey teaching certificate based on interstate reciprocity. Find out more about available certificates and New Jersey teaching reciprocity policies.
I’ve completed a teacher preparation program
If you’ve completed a formal teacher preparation program and met any applicable coursework and testing requirements, you can apply for a Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS). Once hired with this certificate, Newark Board of Education applies on your behalf for a temporary provisional teaching certificate until you receive a standard certification.
I have a college degree, but haven’t completed a teacher preparation program
If you haven’t completed a formal teacher preparation program but you meet the basic requirements for certification, including passing the Praxis Core Academic Skills assessment and demonstrating a score on the SAT, ACT, or GRE at or above the cut score for the year in which the exam was taken, you can apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (CE). Once hired with this certificate, Newark Public schools applies on your behalf for a two-year provisional teaching certificate. You then have two years to meet the requirements for a New Jersey standard teaching certificate.
If you have additional questions about certification requirements to teach in Newark, please contact